
Didn't last long we came to an end quickly

I regret to inform our valued users that JC-Movies has been taken down due to the unavailability of hosting services and the receipt of DMCA notices. Despite our best efforts to maintain the platform, circumstances beyond our control have led to this unfortunate situation. Additionally, as the project creator, I currently lack the necessary time and resources to continue supporting it financially. However, I want to emphasize that JC-Movies remains open-source, and anyone interested in its continuation is welcome to contribute to the GitHub repository and enjoy it. Your passion and dedication can help keep the spirit of JC-Movies alive. We understand the disappointment this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Thank you for being a part of the JC-Movies community, and we hope to see its legacy thrive in the hands of its users. If you wanna watch, try Movie-web.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our users for their unwavering support, despite JC-Movies not being operational for an extensive period. Your loyalty and encouragement mean the world to us. Thank you for standing by us during this challenging time. We deeply appreciate your understanding and commitment to our platform.